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Asset Management


Cinda International Asset Management Limited ("CIAM") is a financial institution established in 1993 which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cinda International Holdings Limited. CIAM is a licensed corporation under the Securities & Futures Ordinance for Types 4 (Advising on securities) and Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities. CIAM is the core offshore platform of our ultimate parent company, China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd and its group companies (“CINDA Group”) to develop offshore asset management services and solutions. With full support from the business networks and resources of CINDA Group, our global vision, in-depth cross-border investment experience and efficient investment team, CIAM has become a platform which take root in Greater China area and play an important role in global investment business.


CIAM has been committed to providing a full range of asset management services for corporate, institutional and high net worth individual clients, including private funds, discretionary accounts, structured notes managed by CIAM, investment advisory services, as well as RQFII, QFLP and other cross-border products. We provide comprehensive and tailor-made investment solution that best suit clients’ risk and return appetite.


If you have any questions, please call China toll-free phone number 400-1200-311 or Hong Kong +852 2235-7789.

Hong Kong Public Fund

Cinda International Asset Management Limited (“CIAM”) launches Hong Kong public fund which will bring investors investment opportunities and professional asset management capabilities. As a fund management company, CIAM has rich investment experience and excellent asset allocation capabilities. The investment professional team will use advanced investment strategies and risk management techniques to provide investors with high-quality asset management services.

Shinya Open-ended Fund Company
Risk Disclosure

Shinya USD Money Market Fund (the “Sub-Fund”) is a sub-fund of the Shinya Open-ended Fund Company (“Company”), which is a public umbrella open-ended fund company (“OFC”) established under Hong Kong law with variable capital with limited liability and segregated liability between sub-funds.


The Sub-Fund’s objective is to invest in short term deposits and high-quality money market investments. The Sub-Fund seeks to achieve a return in USD in line with prevailing money market rate. There can be no assurance that the Sub-Fund will achieve its investment objective.


Bank deposits are subject to the credit risks of the relevant financial institutions. The Sub-Fund’s deposit may not be protected by any deposit protection schemes, or the value of the protection under the deposit protection schemes may not cover the full amount deposited by the Sub-Fund. Therefore, if the relevant financial institution defaults, the Sub-Fund may suffer losses as a result.


The Sub-Fund invests in short-term debt instruments with short maturity, which means the turnover rates of the Sub-Fund’s investments may be relatively high and the transaction costs incurred as a result may also increase.


Underlying investments of the Sub-Fund may be denominated in currencies other than the Base currency of the Sub-Fund. The Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund may be affected unfavorably by fluctuations in the exchange rates between these currencies and the Base currency and by changes in exchange rate controls.


The Sub-Fund is exposed to the credit/default risk of issuers of the debt securities that the Sub-Fund may invest in. The credit rating of a debt instrument or its issuer may subsequently be downgraded, and the value of the Sub-Fund may be adversely affected.


The purchase of a Share in the Sub-Fund is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking company. The Sub-Fund does not guarantee repayment of principal and the Manager has no obligation to redeem the Shares at the offer value. The Sub-Fund does not have a constant Net Asset Value (“NAV”). The Sub-Fund is not subject to the supervision of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.


Please note that the Sub-Fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest and the investments in Sub-fund may not be suitable for everyone. The investors should read the Prospectus and Product Key Facts Statement carefully and pay attention to product features and risks to evaluate whether the product matches with investor’s own investment objective and risk appetite.


Investment involves risks. Please refer to the Prospectus for details including the risk factors.

Shinya USD Money Market Fund

Investment Objective


The Sub-Fund’s objective is to invest in short term deposits and high-quality money market investments. The Sub-Fund seeks to achieve a return in USD in line with prevailing money market rate. There can be no assurance that the Sub-Fund will achieve its investment objective.


Investment Strategy


The Sub-Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily (i.e., not less than 70% of its NAV) in USD-denominated short-term deposits and high-quality money market instruments issued by governments, quasi-governments, international organizations, financial institutions and corporations. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 30% of its NAV in non-USD-denominated short-term deposits and high-quality money market instruments. The Manager will hedge non-USD-denominated investments into USD in order to manage any material currency risk.

Daily NAV
Share Class Currency NAV Per Share As of Date Bloomberg Ticker ISIN
CLASS A USD 10.0724 2025-02-14 SYMMFAA HK0001093480
CLASS C USD 10.0669 2025-02-14 SYMMFAC HK0001093498

Key Information



Cinda International Asset Management Limited


CMB Wing Lung (Trustee) Limited

Ongoing charges over a year:

Class A (Accumulation) Shares:  estimated to be 0.20%#

Class C (Accumulation) Shares:  estimated to be 0.45%#

Class I (Accumulation) Shares:  estimated to be 0.15%#

Class M (Accumulation) Shares:  estimated to be 0.05%#

Class R (Accumulation) Shares: estimated to be 0.70%#

Dealing frequency: 

Daily (Hong Kong business days)

Base currency:

US Dollars (USD)

Dividend policy:

No dividend distribution (income, if any, will be reinvested)

Financial year end of the Sub-Fund:

31 December

Minimum initial investment:

Class A USD: USD 1,000

Class C USD: USD 1,000

Class I USD: USD 100,000

Class M USD: USD 1,000

Class R USD: USD 1

Minimum subsequent investment

Class A USD: USD 100

Class C USD: USD 100

Class I USD: USD 10,000

Class M USD: USD 100

Class R USD: USD 1


# This figure is an estimate only as the Sub-Fund is newly launched. It represents the sum of the estimated ongoing expenses chargeable to the respective class of the Sub-Fund over a 12-month period expressed as a percentage of the estimated average NAV of the representative class of the Sub-Fund over the same period. The actual figure may be different upon actual operation of the Sub-Fund and the figure may vary from year to year.


Charges which may be payable by you


You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the Shares of the Sub-Fund.


What you pay

Class A (Accumulation), Class C (Accumulation) and Class I (Accumulation)

Class R (Accumulation)

Class M (Accumulation)

Subscription fee^+

Up to 1% of the total 

subscription amount

Up to 0.6% of the total

subscription amount


Switching fee^+

Up to 1%* of the total redemption amount converted

Up to 1%* of the total redemption amount converted


Redemption fee^+



* The switching fee will be deducted from the redemption proceeds and retained by the Manager. This is payable in addition to the applicable redemption fee (if any).

[+ Investors may be subject to pricing adjustments (including fiscal charges adjustment and swing pricing adjustment) when subscribing, redeeming or converting shares of the Sub-Fund. For details, please refer to the “Adjustment of prices” sub-section under the section headed “VALUATION AND SUSPENSION” in the Prospectus.]


Ongoing fees payable by the Sub-Fund


The following expenses are paid out of the Sub-Fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments.


Annual rate (as a % of the Sub-Fund’s NAV)

Class A (Accumulation) USD

Class C (Accumulation) USD

Class I (Accumulation) USD

Class R (Accumulation) USD

Class M (Accumulation) USD

Management fee^

0.15% per annum

0.40% per annum

0.10% per annum

0.65% per annum


Performance fee


Custodian fee^

Safekeeping fees:  0.01% per annum of the Sub-Fund, subject to a minimum monthly fee of USD2,500 in respect of the aggregate of Custodian Fee and Administrator Fee after 6 months from the launch of the Sub-Fund

Administrator Fee^

0.04% per annum of the Sub-Fund, subject to a minimum monthly fee of USD2,500 in respect of the aggregate of Custodian Fee and Administrator Fee after 6 months from the launch of the Sub-Fund


Other fees


You may have to pay other fees when dealing in the Shares of the Sub-Fund.


^ Please note that some fees may be increased up to a permitted maximum amount by providing one month’s prior notice to Shareholders. Please refer to the section headed “Fees and Expenses” in the Prospectus for further details of the fees and charges payable and the permitted maximum of such fee allowed, as well as other ongoing expenses that may be borne by the Sub-Fund.


Since the Sub-Fund is newly set up, there is insufficient data to provide a useful indication of past performance to investors.

Fund Documents
Prospectus-Chi Download
Prospectus-Eng Download
KFS-Chi Download
KFS-Eng Download

Information and enquiries


To obtain further information about the Company and the Sub-Funds, or for any enquiries or complaints in relation to the Company and any Sub-Fund, investors may either:


  1. write to the registered address of the Company at 45/F Cosco Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong; or


  1. call the Manager at telephone number at 22357635.


The Manager will handle or channel to the relevant party any enquiries or complaints from investors and revert to the investors accordingly.




This website is intended for Hong Kong investors only.


The information contained in this website is for information purposes only and does not, constitute any recommendations, offer or solicitation to buy, sell or subscribe to any securities or financial instruments in any jurisdiction.


Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. It cannot be guaranteed that the performance of the Sub-Fund will generate a return and there may be circumstances where no return is generated or the amount invested is lost.


Before making any investment decision to invest in the Sub-Fund, investors should read the Sub-Fund’s prospectus for details and the risk factors. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with the Sub-Fund and should also consider their own investment objective and risk tolerance level. Investors are advised to seek independent professional advice before making any investments.


Certain information contained in this website is compiled from third party sources. Whilst Cinda International Asset Management Limited(“CIAM”), the Manager of the Sub-Fund, has, to the best of its endeavor, ensured that such, information is accurate, complete and up-to-date, and has taken care in accurately reproducing the information. CIAM accepts no liability for, any loss or damage of any kind resulting out of the unauthorized use of this website.


The contents of this website are prepared and maintained by CIAM and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.

Terms of Use and Disclaimer

This website is strictly for information purposes only, and does not constitute or shall not be considered as, an offer, solicitation, or recommendation, to deal in any securities, investment products, or funds. This website is only directed to any person in any jurisdiction where the publication or availability of this website is allowed by the relevant laws or regulations. By accessing this website, you are representing and warranting that the applicable laws and regulations of your jurisdiction allow you to access this website.


Investment involves risk. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Investors may not get back the amount they have invested. The value of investments and the income received from them (if any) may be volatile and could change substantially within a short period of time.


Fund subscriptions may only be made on the basis of the relevant offering documents or subscription documents. Before making any investment, you should refer to the relevant offering documents or subscription documents, and in particular to the investment policies and risk factors. You should not invest unless the intermediary who offers or sells the fund to you has advised that the fund is suitable for you.


Any information and data used in the preparation of this website, procured by Cinda International Asset Management Limited ("CIAM"), is based upon sources believed to be reasonably reliable, but no representation or warranty is given to the accuracy or completeness of the data sourced from third parties. Any projections or forward-looking statements regarding future events or performance of countries, markets or companies are not necessarily indicative of, and may differ from, actual events or results.


No content of this website, including but not limited to, any text, images, audio and video, may be copied or reproduced for public or commercial purposes without CIAM's written permission. Modification or use of the information or materials for any other purpose may violate the copyright and/or intellectual property rights (if applicable) of CIAM.


The contents on this webpage is issued by CIAM and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.