Mainland China Hotline:400-1200-311 Mainland China Trading : 400-1200-366
HK Hotline : +852 2235-7789 Email :
Corporate Finance
服務介紹 >


  • Providing quality corporate finance services, including underwriting, secondary placing, private equity and merger & acquisition
  • Merging the domestic and international business platforms to formulate the most appropriate share and business restructuring proposals, and help customers to implement in an effective manner
  • Identifying investment highlights of corporate customers and developing the most suitable marketing strategy with our ECM department in order to maximize the benefits for customers
  • Providing various consulting services, such as financial advisory services for listed and non-listed companies, independent financial advisory services for independent board committee


Equity Capital Markets

Capitalize on our thorough knowledge and in-depth analysis of domestic and international capital markets, providing professional market analysis and judgment on offering windows and playing a significant role in equity convertible bond, debit offerings.

Services offered by our ECM team include:

  • Advising on offering structure 
  • Issuing timetable 
  • Organizing underwriting syndicate
  • Design marketing plan
  • Coordinating marketing activities, such as research analyst pre-marketing and road-shows of global offerings
  • Book building
  • Pricing and allocation
  • Continuous follow-up and monitoring market dynamics 


If you have any questions, please call China toll-free phone number 400-1200-311 or Hong Kong +852 2235-7789.